Agreements 1991-2017:
Update September 2017

Because Socrates introduced ‘Thematic networks’ which have a different structure, it is agreed that from 2002 the name of our ‘Erasmus Radiography Network’ which exists since 1990, will be ‘Erasmus Radiography Group’.

Organisation of the group

Management team:

  • Consists of representative/s of each member institution of the group.
  • A chairperson and vice chairperson is elected for a period of two years.
  • After two years, the vice chairperson takes over the chair and a new vice chairperson is elected.
  • It is agreed that the member institutions will guarantee the future of our group and that all partners will provide funding to attend the management team meeting with at least one person.

Members of the team are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the bilateral contracts with members of the group are up to date.
  • Signing and distribution of the tri partite learning agreements of their outgoing students.
  • Good interaction between meetings and especially during the exchange period (curriculum changes, other news, problem solving etc.).
  • Updating the information from their institute on the web site before September every year by email to website coordinator.
  • Good preparation of the participants in the annual meeting.
  • Good e-mail discipline (confirm reception to sender and answer as soon as possible).
  • Regular update of the (Google-) planning sheet for student exchange and other forms and documents.
  • Distributing information that is relevant for all partners by email or during annual meeting.
  • Mentorship for new members.

Chairperson and vice chairperson are responsible for:

  • Efficient and well-prepared meetings.
  • The content of the agenda for the management team meeting.
  • Awareness on new information on issues effecting or concerning ERG and presenting possible issues or changes.
  • Ensure documents are revised when necessary.
  • Acting as contact person for (new) partners.
  • Minutes of the annual meeting.
  • Sending the annual student survey to all partners and process and disseminate the results.
  • Deadlines planning and applying planning “rules”
  • Maintaining a central information point and ERG archive on Google docs.

The host country is responsible for:

  • Preparation of meeting, together with chairperson and vice chairperson


  • The management team will meet once a year for two days.
  • During the meeting partners will present their institutions to the students in a ‘student market’.
  • In principle participants will pay for all meals.

Web site:

  • An ERG web site is set up and kept under the responsibility of the school in Porto.
  • It is agreed that the partner hosting the annual meeting will pay the costs of the web site, due in October. Until 2020 the website is sponsored by Shaderware 
  • Each member institution will regularly update their information through website coordinator
  • It is agreed to use a same format for student information on the site.

Extension of the Group: 

  • The group will grow slowly. Priority will be to extend the number of countries and not the number of schools per country (maximum of two schools per country).
  • Interested new partners can contact the chairperson. Institutions interested in membership of the group will be invited to fill in the ERG-template which will provide information, such as:
    • Name, address and Erasmus ID of the institute and department (in English)
    • Name and contact information of the responsible person
    • Can the institution comply with Erasmus EU regulations
    • Can the institution comply with ERG regulations
    • Learning objectives of the proposed Erasmus programme
    • Details of the number and distribution of the essential components ECTS (20 EC)
    • Details on subjects and content in the theoretical lessons/academic programme
    • Details of the goals in clinical/practical training
    • Details on subjects and content in culture / language
    • Whether home students will be studying alongside the incoming students
    • Accommodation facilities and living costs
    • Social activities that will be offered to the students
  • Based on this information the management team can decide to invite a representative for an oral presentation during the management team meeting. The management team will decide on admission prior the invitation to this meeting.

Student exchanges

Exchange period:

  • The exchange period of three months will be in January, February, March and beginning April each year.

Learning agreement:

  • The home university will nominate the student through the application/nomination system of host university.
  • The home institution, the host institution and the student, describing the student’s programme of study abroad, will sign a ‘tripartite learning agreement’.
  • All partners will use the same EU form.
  • Learning agreements will be drawn up by the home country, posted to the host and returned by the host before the end of November each year
  • The unit title/s, code and credit value assigned to the programme or to the individual components should be included in the study programme.

Transcript of records:

  • The unit titles, code and credit value assigned to the exchange programme and to the individual components should be included in accordance with EU regulations.


  • Institutions will accept students up to an agreed maximum, also if they send less themselves.
  • The first deadline is 1st of April: requested places are designated as “agreed” when the maximum that the host can receive has not been reached. In cases were the maximum has been reached, places are “agreed” by dividing them equally amongst partners with a priority for single/individual student bids. If that was not an option, agreed places are coded as “X” and have to be resolved through consultation/discussion.
  • Students should be informed about their destination as son as possible to enable them to start language preparation in time. The home institutions will stimulate language preparation and will stress the importance of it.
  • During the planning period institutions will inform their partner as soon as a student withdraws from the programme and make changes in the planning sheet.
  • After the 15th of November before the exchange, students can only withdraw from the programme with a medical certificate or because of family circunstances, to be judged by the home institution.

Exchange curriculum:

  • Every member institution offers a specific topic of interest (specialty) during the exchange period.
  • A description of each study unit in the programme will be available, including a unit title and code, learning objectives, assessment mode and suggested reading list using the ERG format.
  • The programme will include other topics as language and culture, besides the ‘speciality’.
  • The clinical component is part of the educational program and is not to be considered as a work experience.

ECTS credits:

  • The exchange programme will be given a value of 20 ECTS credits.
  • Each institution may decide on the credit weighting of the clinical and theoretical components of the programme.
  • For all courses successfully completed abroad, students receive a formal ‘transcript of records’ from the host university showing the titles of these courses and the credit of each represented.
  • The ‘transcript of record’ will indicate which study units the student has successfully completed.
  • Should a student fail a component, the student will do a re-sit of that component in the host institution at an established date. A provision is to be made for the student to do the re-sit in the home institution. In case of no completion or failure of components, the host instition decides on the amount of EC’s the student has completed.
  • The clinical placements will be assessed according to a scheme reflecting the credit weighting.
  • The sending institution recognises the credits received by students from other institutions in such a way that a credit for the courses passed replaces that which would otherwise have been obtained from the home institution during a comparable period of study.
  • Records of attendance will be kept.

Breakdown of credits – agreed October 2003: UNDER CONSTRUCTION / Audit current situation

Research, thesis and tests during exchange:

  • The host institution will be informed at least two months before if students have to do research during the exchange and therefore need any special support.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to work on their thesis during their stay, but it may not interfere with the programme of the host institution.
  • The home institution will avoid extraordinary study load and any tests during the exchange period.

Clinical placements:

  • Clinical placements will have some relation with the ‘specialty’ of the exchange curriculum, but not necessarily during the whole placement.
  • The clinical component is part of the educational programme and is not to be considered as a work experience.
  • The main aim is to let students perform examinations they already know in a different situation. They should really perform the examinations and not only observe.
  • During clinical placements, students will wear an ERASMUS badge with their name, name of the host country and home institution in accordance to local requirements.
  • The host university will be responsible for radiation monitoring, according to EU-regulations.

Student accommodation:

  • The host institution will recommend accommodation possibilities. If students organize their own accommodation the host institution should be informed prior to arrival.
  • Deposits may not be refunded.

Student information:

  • All relevant information for the students is available at


  • Students will be informed on arrival about local procedures and rules and will be advised to contact their coordinator in an early stage if they encounter any problem.


  • Students have to be prepared to give presentations in the host institution during the exchange and in their own institution after the exchange, following the agreed guidelines of the management team (see ERG website).

Language preparation:

  • Basic knowledge of the language of the host country is one of the aims of ERASMUS. Therefore, students should know as soon as possible to which country they will exchange, to facilitate to study the language.

Health care insurance and health certificates:

  • The student is responsible to carry all needed certificates.
  • The E111 EHIC form will cover for medical costs afterwards.
  • The host institution will inform and check before arrival if all needed arrangements and vaccinations have been made and done. Students are responsible for ensuring they have satisfied the host institutions stipulations regarding vaccination requirements and provide the necessary certification health status, otherwise the student may not be permitted to work with patients.

Early departures:

  • Students will be informed that, aside emergencies, leaving the host country during the programme should always be communicated with the home- and host institutions.

Evaluation and quality assessment:

  • Assessments and grading is done according to ECTS scale.
  • Student evaluation will be done through the central ERG survey, results will be discussed in the management team meeting.

Teacher exchanges

  • Teacher exchanges will be organized between partners according to EU/Erasmus ruloes. The aims are:
    • dissemination of academic specialist knowledge.
    • further development of own skills.